I do wonder if we did not judge a situation at face value, but considered the whole story…
I wonder if we pushed aside the constructs of racial difference in our minds, and saw only other people…If we just saw another human, and came to their aid in ways small and large…
I wonder if instead of fear and emotion, we saw things through the clear vision of justice and good…If we sought a justice that was not biased, and passionately sought the whole truth of a matter…
I wonder if we sought to build something good, rather than destroy what we see as evil…If we took responsibility for our own actions, rather than blame another…
I wonder if the bias of our minds was pulled away, so the truth would become apparent…If truth, and the passionate search for the full picture of something, could free us from our various conditions…
I wonder if we were brave enough to have a real conversation.
I wonder if we were brave enough to seek answers together.
I wonder if we were brave enough to put our hearts behind the remedy found, and make the effort required.
I wonder if we were brave enough to be vulnerable.
I wonder if we were brave enough not to judge.
I wonder if we were brave enough to care for another, and sacrifice a little for them.