It seems incredible that race is still an issue, or that anyone believes they are better humans because of the colour of their skin. Ideas of cultural and political superiority would be the same.
I saw recently that unity and justice are…spiritual issues, not political ones. Our position on the political spectrum and love for our particular culture needs take a back seat if we are serious about remedying things. I believe, that these more narrow, selective, and contending constructs cannot remedy the problems of injustice.
The issue is simple; it is trading our deeper allegiances for a higher love. But it is also complex; each particular situation or country having its own complexities and solutions. It will take real effort, honesty, and a deep will to look for the truth and work it out; humility and sacrifice too…the most noble human qualities.
Social eruptions do make problems clear though. They can be the healthy response of a culture to purge itself of disease, and there does need to be a healing by witness to the past and what now is, but it will take positive loving attention and effort, beyond the constructs and biases of culture, race, and politics; beyond anger and violence. It will take the activity and action of building positive solutions from free hearts; not argument and judgement.
The wraith of prejudice is real, the anger that rises from it is real, the call for justice is real, but the only real solution is love and effort, and a driving will to defeat this sad destructive darkness.
Nobody can stand if kept down, and nobody can stand without a positive effort to stand up.
We are all responsible.
“The wrong in the world continues to exist just because people talk only of their ideals, and do not strive to put them into practice. If actions took the place of words, the world’s misery would very soon be changed into comfort. My hope for you is that you will ever avoid tyranny and oppression; that you will work without ceasing till justice reigns in every land…. “
Abdu’l-Baha, Paris Talks, p. 16.