The lack of love and humility is now a tangible pain surrounding us.
Have we not seen enough trouble? Are we not sick of the pain visited by each other, on each other? Don’t we all yearn for kindness and love, and caring support? Have the endless new ideologies of the last one hundred years brought peace to hearts, or more pain and anger?
We seem to be unaware of our potential; one that lies within humility and kindness. All good, and real happiness, spring from these. Anger and separation, only begets more anger and separation. Maybe it is time we reflected on our daily motives, on humanity’s last two hundred years of learning, and on the full nature of the known history of humanity. Isn’t it time to be humble, be kind, and finally take an adult form…in the nobility of the beauty that lies within each of us?
The concern for getting things, for safety, for social status, and to be right, has failed us. Surely the scared child of humanity, and the unsure and boisterous experimenting youth of the whole human creature, has had its time. Surely we understand now that humility and love become us, and realise these can create a human future worthy of our life experience; worthy of our long history and human memory.
Being concerned about ourselves before others,
is slowly draining life out of us.
The focus on the material aspects of life, and being concerned about ourselves before others is slowly draining life out of us, and the beauty available to us; one available in the love we may bear each other, and the cooperation and nurture that can endlessly flow from the loving spiritual reality within us. It being, those powers of character that raise us up, and raise others up; compassion, courage, honestly, contentment, humility…rather than selfishness, fear, lies, want of more, want of ease and arrogance of our own view.
There are as many ideologies of life out there, as there are people it seems, and this too is adding to the breakdown. Arrogance does not befit humans or humanity. My theme of humility and love finds its clear antithesis in this aspect of lower motivation. Our world is awash with idle talk, ideology, separation, and being right; less so, seeking the truth together.
The Baha’i faith has its hold on my heart, and I find its beauty calls me to a higher place; to moderation, love, humility and the seeking of truth together. I believe it is worthy of at least some exploration, but of course, for me, it holds my heart and great hopes for all of us, as we wander through the current flux of humanity’s adolescence.
Humility has called to me deeply recently, as it does at times in our lives. In humility, and being more surrounded by authentic love, is where my future, hopefully yours, and humanity’s, lies. More in silence too. The giving of more pure love to others is more what I seek to do, as I feel the great need for love around us strongly right now. It flows out of us, so maybe we have been tardy if there is not enough of it in the world.
We sit within a miracle, within a miracle,
and somehow believe that we know.
To seek the truth together, is superior, and humble; no matter how convinced we are of our view. Are we all not learning in an endless vastness of a universe beyond our small understanding, and within the miracle and complexity of the human creature? We sit within a miracle, within a miracle, and we somehow believe that we know. I suggest that we need to find more science and understanding, but together, and to develop that which is valuable and nurturing to each other and humanity.
We need be human first, caring first, loving first, and a great family first, then our knowledge may be of use to us. The greater our unity, the greater our potential, as a species; as a family. There is so much flux and strife and discord and opinion, and I believe it is killing us. Arrogance, selfishness, and fear, are diseases wracking the body of humanity; wracking each of us.
There is a call in our pain, to a higher way, a kinder way, a loving way, and the pain will increase with the disease, until we have had enough, and in humility we gather together. The focus of life on money and animal satisfactions, beyond what is beneficial, is running rampant through our societies, and in our media. The considered norm seems lost in a dark place. It is no sweet meadow.
How long will the distraction, fear, want, and anger persist? How long will the separation of humans along lines of nationality, race, creed, and culture persist? The troubles in the world exist in a lack of love and unity; not seeing each other, all, as family. Disunity is the destroyer of life, and the bar to the health of our now very much, one, and interconnected world. I believe only unity and love, heartfelt, will quell the pain you and I feel.
Humility creates active learning,
and connection affords me more love.