We is the future, and Our is the solution.
The endless us and them must eventually give way to… We need to work together… We need to communicate and understand each other… These are our problems and we need to deal with them together. Us and them stops any movement immediately. It creates aggressors and it creates victims. It does not create builders of good outcomes. It does not create communication. Even high minded calls for them to change, are destructive, as they will only divide. We need to see problems as ours, and deal with them. If it is us who are victims, and endlessly angry at them, then we have lost, before we have begun.
We can change anything, and when we own our problems and deal with them like adults, then we have a future. When names or labels are swung at people like pick axes, we have failed. Labels only separate us and cut down communication. Violence be it physical or verbal is destructive. When you are against you have failed. You have failed yourself and those around you. We are human first and all capable of thinking for ourselves. No one needs someone else telling them what to think in some tirade of righteousness. We need to discuss frankly our view, and hopefully the best outcomes and true realities can be explored together. Us and them creates monsters, and lays waste to reason. History bears witness to this.
Only not being against works. Only good communication, kind, honest, expressive, even firey and yet humble can bring solutions. Unity does not require us to think the same. In unity and seeking good, we are allowed a differing opinion. Enough kindness and humility would be required as strong foundation for communication though, and that is were we and our comes in. If we are seeking the best outcome for our situation a differing view then helps provide answers. If it is us against them arguing. then it is just arguing, no solution, no learning and continued pain and animosity.
Members of most families have very different ways of even seeing the world, and can get on, or at least stay united and loving. They may struggle with each other, but be there for one of their own when it counts, because the family considers them ‘ours’. The human family can too, if we see all humanity as ours. The mindset ‘we are all human first’ needs to underpin the human psyche, because, while it has always been true, in this age the world is coming to see clearly it’s oneness. There may be endless diversity, and that should be celebrated, but to me we must be human first and think for ourselves. We need take responsibility for our own choices, and see all people as one of ours.
This is not the whole reality of a world that needs to come to change. We need to grow our character to reach the heights that are available to us. But the movement to human maturity, and to human unity, will inevitably grow stronger, as either the Us and Them’s tear us to shreds and we learn through hardships, or the We and Our’s take us to stronger ground on which we can build peace and well-being for all of our human family. Both are a way there.
Which road will you choose? Which wolf will you feed?
To me, We is the future, and Our is the solution
James D