The call for unity, is only the start of what must be an engaged and active effort, not an endless wave of opinion pieces built on bias or simplistic ideals that shut down solutions and unified action.
We have all seen the endless commentary on the many struggles of our world. But I am now seeing in the world a rising realisation that our problems have got too out of control, and there is a need for active participation. We are discovering the need to engage, and sort things out. Waiting for our leaders who are hamstrung by their ideology or fear of loosing popularity, is a waste of time. Even political correctness has hamstrung some meaningful, full and frank communication. We are also discovering that being against others is useless. We have to talk to someone and hear their story, not just yell at them from across the street, or keep silent about our concerns in the fear we may be misunderstood. That is all of us.
The time for endless commentary and everyone’s opinion has past. We need to be active and engaged in the life of our community. I don’t mean in words. I mean in actively seeking better outcomes for those around us, in our own community, or wider if that is your bent. I mean real and meaningful communication and inclusive action. Not for ourselves, but for all of us. The god of individuality has failed us. The god of apathy has failed us. We have failed us. It is time for mending, growing, healing, doing, giving…the selfishness, the blindness toward the concerns of others and the endless chatter has not worked, and we know it.
While racial issues or religious intolerance’s are simple, the reality on the ground is complex and needs to be seen in it’s true complexity, and then effort needs be put into solutions. I believe that any situation or problem has it’s own intricacies, even though the underlying theme of the solution may be clear. Unity is usually the theme for the solution, but the active way there and the various issues and realities surrounding it are different and more complex. Each place, community, society has it’s own uniqueness, issues and reality and therefore differing active solutions required.
The call for unity, is only the start of what must be an engaged and active effort, not an endless wave of opinion pieces built on bias or simplistic ideals that shut down solutions and unified action.
People endlessly stroking the opinions of those who agree with them does not work. Calling out a catch cry to unity alone cannot work. To me, if you want to make a difference, then engage with those from all sides who wish solution and explore the truth of the matter honestly together, and then get out there and work on the solutions. Sometimes it all just gets sorted by people simply building something together. Solution can naturally be found in some inclusive community effort to build a better community, without any focus on a particular issue.
Unified doing is so powerful that it will naturally flush out the filth.
So, maybe engage more locally. Maybe just all do some community service together, to build community and trust; something longer term. Maybe just invite some people around for a barbeque and listen to their story.One way or another we have to act, and we have to make it real unity and continued efforts. Not just feel good one off events.
I have a feeling we all know this, and that it is time to assuage the fury of division. So let’s get this show on the road, and let’s be actively responsible for our community, and our world.
James D